31 Days – Out of the Woods

Ok, maybe “woods” is an exaggeration. One thing we decided when moving into the new house is that we’d focus 100% on the inside and save the outside until next year. We do the typical things like mow the lawn and water the grass when it is dry, but that is really the end of it. So much of our efforts are going in other directions that we really just let the outside do whatever it was going to do. Plus, I wanted to see what we have and where I can improve. For instance, we have this vine in the front that was thick, braided and huge. In the Spring, it looked dead. Seriously, we broke off a branch and it was dry and there was dust inside. Well, time got away from us and before we knew it, this dead and yucky vine had blossomed beautiful orange flowers that attract hummingbirds like crazy. I am SO glad we didn’t tear it out like we were going to do.

Well, that vine has grown wild and the pretty flowers have gone with the Summer. The bushes next to it are crazy, too, and there are mini trees growing all over the place in that same “bed”. I say “bed” lightly because it is really just a place where things are growing. There is no organization or design to it. I decided that day four of the 31 Days project would be to FINALLY trim down all of those crazy plants.  Maybe “woods” really was accurate…

This was a very easy project and took about 15 minutes. Just me, the gorgeous weather and a pair of giant clippers. I still need to clean up that pile of branches, but that will have to wait. 😉

One Comment on “31 Days – Out of the Woods”

  1. […] Your Kitchen Cabinets in 6 Steps Day Two: Tiny Little Projects Day Three: Breaking Bread Day Four: Out of the Woods Share some RD:Like this:LikeBe the first to like this. This entry was posted in 31 days and […]

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